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If you’re not feeling too great


Thought catching

If you’re not feeling too great

This section is for when things haven't been going well for you and you want to try and change that.

It is normal to have fluctuations in our mood but if this experience is prolonged and/or severely affecting us we should always reach out for additional help. However, always contact a medical or psychological professional if you’re in doubt of where to go. 

This is a guide for advice only, and is not a substitute for professional help. However, this section aims to help you if you are not in a good place and want to try some self-help.


Most people will have experienced the emotion of anxiety at least once within their lifetime. For some people it will have a greater impact on their daily life than others. Often with anxious feelings you will begin to feel your senses overwhelming you and find it hard to keep track of your thoughts. We can sometimes enter a flight-or-fight response where our body produces stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This activates the autonomic system and causes physiological changes which can help us tackle the situation. However, this reaction can be inappropriate and leave us in a negative way.

Using a technique such as the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding techniques can become useful in a situation like this by trying to ‘ground’ you and help you focus on your surroundings in order to calm the flurry of thoughts. This is just one way in which you may choose to ground yourself but there are other techniques so it’s important that you find a way that works best for you.


It may be helpful if this is a technique you use often, to talk through this technique with trusted friends or family who would be able to walk you through the steps in a situation where you yourself may not be able to.

Thought Catching

It is normal to have negative thoughts from time to time. These thoughts can influence our moods, emotions, behaviours and physical reactions. If these thoughts keep reoccurring for a long period of time or are severely impacting your life, make sure you contact your GP or mental help professional.


To note, thoughts of suicide are never normal and indicates that there is an underlying mood disorder that needs addressing. If these thoughts are not what has been mentioned you can try this technique. This technique aims to try and reduce how much these thoughts affect our lives and tries to change our mood for the better.

Who are they?

Notice all your thoughts - Good, bad, and indifferent. Then work backwards and identify where the thought may have come from (you can use the other tools in this kit to help). Identifying the source can help us to face what is actually there.


Who are they coming from?

Are these ultimatums made from yourself?

Do your friends, co-workers and loved ones see you like this?


Sometimes they can be predictions about yourself that have no backing. Check who and where these thoughts are coming from.

What can we do?

Write down the answers to these 6 questions when a recurring thought enters your mind:

This method can try to help you understand where the thought comes from and how much it affects you. Try to look at this objectively like you have written about it and work out why this thought has come to you then. Identifying can be a great first step towards changing how you feel.

Try the NHS “Catch it App”:
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